
Veiled conspiracism: Particularities and convergence in the styles and functions of conspiracy-related communication across digital platforms.

At the beginning of this year, Dr. Kilian Buehling, Prof. Dr. Annett Heft, and Xixuan Zhang (all from the Weizenbaum Institute and Freie Universität Berlin) published their paper Veiled conspiracism: Particularities and convergence in the styles and functions of conspiracy-related communication across digital platforms in New Media & Society. Their research explores how digital communication […]

NEOVEX Presentation Transfer

Final Event of the NEOVEX Research Project

On the 10th of December, our team members  Annett Heft (Universität Tübingen, Freie Universität Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute),  Kilian Buehling and Xixuan Zhang (both Freie Universität Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute) participated in the final event of the NEOVEX research project, which took place at the Representation of the State of Hamburg in Berlin. The event started with the presentation of the results […]


Die Transnationalität rechtsextremer Verschwörungstheorien online und ihre länderspezifische Adaption

Conspiracy theories have never been limited by geopolitical borders. In today’s digital age, advancements in technology have amplified interactions between individuals and groups worldwide, accelerating the spread of such ideas across nations. This work by Xixuan Zhang, Joana Becker, Dr. Annett Heft, and Dr. Kilian Buehling explores into methods for measuring the transnational dissemination of […]

NEOVEX Publication

The Transnationality of Far-Right Conspiracy Theories Online and Their Country-Specific Adaptation

Conspiracy theories have never been confined by geopolitical borders. In the digital age, social media and online forums amplify their reach, allowing far-right ideologies to spread and adapt across different national and cultural contexts. A recent study conducted by Xixuan Zhang, Joana Becker, Dr. Annett Heft, and Dr. Kilian Buehling examines this phenomenon by analyzing the transnational dissemination […]


Der Ton macht die Musik – Die sprachlichen Finessen von Verschwörungserzählungen auf digitalen Plattformen

Digital forums like 4chan and Reddit, along with social media platforms such as Twitter (now known as “X”), play a crucial role in the narration and spread of conspiracy theories. These platforms can serve as both a protected breeding ground for conspiracy theories, offering unmoderated, (semi-)public digital spaces to radicalized users, and as the primary […]


Book launch with Eviane Leidig “The Women of the Far Right”

On November 2nd, 2023, we had the great pleasure of participating in the book launch of The Women of the Far Right, written by Dr. Eviane Leidig (Tilburg University). Hosted by the research project NEOVEX, the event was jointly organized with the Free University of Berlin, the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin, […]

NEOVEX Publication

How well can conspiracy theory content be measured on social media? It’s a matter of time!

Many civil society and academic projects are engaged in documenting and analyzing conspiracy theory, anti-democratic or racist discourse on social media. Kilian Buehling has investigated to what extent the results of these efforts are influenced by the time of data collection. In this article, he summarizes the results of a recently published study. A bizarre […]


Wie wird die Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien gemessen?

Conspiracy theories are only as popular as their ability to spread. But how can we gain reliable insights into their reach? In this post, Dr. Annett Heft and Dr. Kilian Bühling explore the methods used to measure the dissemination of conspiracy theories. The following text has been originally published in German on the NEOVEX website. Verschwörungstheorien sind […]