
Podcast: Understanding Conspiracy Theories on Alternative Platforms

In the latest episode of the NEOVEX podcast, Maik Fielitz from the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society in Jena, responsible for the area of right-wing extremism and democracy research at the IDZ, sits down with Dr. Kilian Bühling, a researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, working on the researching diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories and adaptation strategies in hybrid information spaces.

During their conversation, Fielitz and Bühling discuss the critical role alternative platforms play in the communication systems of right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists. They explore how the platform cultures influence the spread of conspiracy theories and the implications this has for the broader information ecosystem.

Their discussion sheds light on the complex interactions between platform culture and the dissemination of harmful disinformation, offering listeners a deeper understanding of the challenges in combating the spread of conspiracy theories in today’s digital age.

Click here to listen to the NEOVEX podcast and follow the research group for more intriguing discussions on critical societal issues.

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