Periodically, the researchers of the NEOVEX project meet in person to report on the progress of their subprojects. This time, the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin hosted the meeting on Thursday, September 22.
In addition to members of the subprojects from IFSH Hamburg, TU Munich, FU Berlin and IDZ Jena, the VDI Technology Center was present as a project partner of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research . An associated researcher from Imperial College London also attended the meeting.
Short keynote presentations from the respective subprojects informed the participants about the status and first results of the research on patterns and dynamics of conspiracy theories and right-wing extremist ideologies in times of crisis. This led to in-depth interdisciplinary discussions that provided ideas for further theoretical and methodological action. In case of thematic overlaps, the subprojects agreed to exchange expertise and data.
The organization of joint publications and participation in future conferences, where the results of the NEOVEX project will be presented, was the focus of the second part of the inter-project meeting.
After the formal part of the meeting, the participants attended a presentation of the federal working group “Gegen Hass im Netz” (against hate online) on the topic “Wissen, wie die Winterwut entsteht” (Knowledge of how “winter rage” is created). Here, further cooperation as well as the results of the research were discussed in an informal setting.