From October 10th to 11th, the University of Bern hosted a great opportunity to dialogue ideas and insights on various doctoral research projects in a PhD Workshop!
In a colloquium format, the event presented a valuable chance for professional exchange and network building. It united researchers from four universities who shared a common investigation expertise and objective.
The workshop was initiated and carried out by Barbara Pfetsch (Free University of Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute), Annett Heft (Free University of Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute), Silke Adam (University of Bern), Eva Mayerhöffer (University of Roskilde), and Annie Waldherr (University of Vienna).
One PhD student from our team, Baoning Gong (Free University of Berlin/Weizenbaum Institut) presented her dissertation project “Far-right movement mobilization and radicalization across platforms” . Additionally, Miriam Milzner (Free University of Berlin/Weizenbaum Institut) joined to participate in the workshop.
Overall, the researchers profited from the overall program and from the postdoc roundtable, where experienced postdocs offered insights and advice for future career development.
We thank the University of Bern for the opportunity, as the event strengthened the exchange and networking of young scientists and should be repeated in the future!