
Workshop Conditions of Success for the Far-Right: A One-Day Exploration of Communication Strategies, Critique and Scholarly Insights

In November 2024, Baoning Gong and Florian Primig (FU Berlin) organized the workshop Conditions of Success for the Far-Right: A One-Day Exploration of Communication Strategies, Critique, and Scholarly Insights. This event, part of the workshop series of the Far-Right Researchers (FFR) network, brought together scholars from the “Contemporary Research on Far-Right Politics” group at the […]


Veiled conspiracism: Particularities and convergence in the styles and functions of conspiracy-related communication across digital platforms.

At the beginning of this year, Dr. Kilian Buehling, Prof. Dr. Annett Heft, and Xixuan Zhang (all from the Weizenbaum Institute and Freie Universität Berlin) published their paper Veiled conspiracism: Particularities and convergence in the styles and functions of conspiracy-related communication across digital platforms in New Media & Society. Their research explores how digital communication […]