
Pandemic Protesters on Telegram: How Platform Affordances and Information Ecosystems Shape Digital Counterpublics

Kilian Buehling and Annett Heft (both Freie University of Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute) published an article on the Pandemic Protesters on Telegram: How Platform Affordances and Information Ecosystems Shape Digital Counterpublics in Social Media + Society.  Their research investigates the role of platform affordances, their adoption by movement actors, and the strategic use of information ecosystems in […]


Twiplomacy and the War: Untangling networked practices of Russian diplomats during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine

From the 18th until the 21st of November Miriam Milzner (Freie University of Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute) had the great opportunity to participate in the three-day AoIR conference in Philadelphia, PA, USA. The 2023 AoIR conference explored the themes of revolutions, examining their inherent promises and failures in connection to digital technologies. It delved into the involvement […]


Wie wird die Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien gemessen?

Conspiracy theories are only as popular as their ability to spread. But how can we gain reliable insights into their reach? In this post, Dr. Annett Heft and Dr. Kilian Bühling explore the methods used to measure the dissemination of conspiracy theories. The following text has been originally published in German on the NEOVEX website. Verschwörungstheorien sind […]