
Cross-Border Journalism Content: Status Quo and Perspectives

Journalism has been crossing borders since news media and nation-states co-emerged in the seventeenth century. Still, the internet era has further advanced and expanded the border-transcending production, dissemination, and reception of news. The rise of cross-border journalism reflects the “increasing connectedness, boundarylessness, and mobility in the world” (Berglez, 2008, p. 855).

The new “The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism” (2024) explores cross-border journalism through conceptual and empirical lenses, scrutinizes transnational journalism cultures in the Internet age, and deliberates on the theoretical and methodological challenges of analyzing cross-border journalism.

In the chapter “Cross-Border Journalism Content: Status Quo and Perspectives” Annett Heft (Freie University of Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute) provides an overview of the current state of research on the distinctive attributes of cross-border journalism content. The chapter introduces diverse content producers in the field, including transnational and global media, national media that internationalize their reporting, foreign correspondents, and, notably, cross-border collaborative journalism networks. The chapter then delves into the specific characteristics of these actors, examining their goals and approaches in transnational reporting. It also consolidates existing research on the features of their journalistic products, particularly focusing on the extent of transnationality in their content and other unique aspects.

The full book is available on SpringerLink – The Palgrave Macmillan content platform customers and library patrons have free access to the publication. For access to the PDF or to order a printed edition of the book follow this link: