
Platform infrastructures and the spread of conspiracy theories

After the announcement in October 2022 that the microblogging platform Twitter had been acquired by Elon Musk, incidents both within the company and in the platform’s digital space began to spiral. Since then, many experts have been concerned that Twitter could become a communication platform where disinformation, hate speech, and conspiracy theories could take up a […]


Plattforminfrastrukturen und die Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien

Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter could dramatically reshape the platform’s structures, potentially paving the way for more disinformation, hate speech, and conspiracy theories. In this analysis, Dr. Annett Heft examines how the design and features of social media platforms influence their usage and the dynamics of discourse. She delves into the potential impacts of this […]


Wie wird die Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien gemessen?

Conspiracy theories are only as popular as their ability to spread. But how can we gain reliable insights into their reach? In this post, Dr. Annett Heft and Dr. Kilian Bühling explore the methods used to measure the dissemination of conspiracy theories. The following text has been originally published in German on the NEOVEX website. Verschwörungstheorien sind […]